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How to Access Google in China in 2019

You Googled for how to access Google in China in 2019. That means that unless you are not in Hong Kong, you are not able to access Google and search for this. If you are that person, we are sorry for you as you won’t be able to access Google in China in 2019, until you first leave China.

If you didn’t go to China yet though or are in Hong Kong, we will help you so that when you do go to China, you can access Google as let’s face it, our lives without Google just don’t work. Google is the key to solving problems. Google even brought you here!

The Story Behind Why You Can’t Access Google in China in 2019

Google is the most used platform on the planet, and it does make sense for Google to be in China too considering how many people live in China yet that is not the case. Why not?

Censorship. Except, it’s not like it seems. It’s not that China decided to ban Google as it did with other services. Google was planning to leave.

China did request Google to hide certain searches though, and they did that for a long while. But then China hacked Google in 2009 resulting in Google responding in 2010 that it would not be willing to censor content in China anymore and that it would pull out if necessary. In 2014, Google services stopped working.

Google is working a project that will bring a censored Google Search but if you are reading this, that means you want to access everything on Google, and even if you are okay with censored Google, it isn’t out yet. That means that you won’t be able to access Google in China if you were to go now.

Unless you know this method.

How to Access Google in China in 2019

To access Google in China in 2019, you cannot be in China.

That’s the only way.

But there is a way to leave China virtually.

By using a VPN which is a virtual private network that can protect you on the internet from the likes of the Chinese government and also allows you to change your location to be in a different country. Exactly what you need.

The problem is that VPN services are banned in China.

The only VPN services that will help you access Google in China in 2019 are the ones with Stealth VPN.

PrivateVPN supports Stealth on Android, Apple, and Desktop devices as one of the few platforms that do. Stealth VPN on PrivateVPN now also supports OpenVPN on iOS.

The reason Stealth VPN works is that it’s not detectable as VPN while a standard VPN is as it acts differently than a typical connection.

If you want to access Google in China in 2019, Stealth VPN is what you need, but you also need to be safe. China is not a country to play around with.  

How to Access Google in China in 2019 While Staying Safe

It all goes down to your VPN client and its features.

Leaks of any kinds are what you need to prevent.

VPN services are meant to encrypt all of your data, like PrivateVPN with its 2048-bit encryption with AES-256, which is the highest level of encryption on the market, but encryption only matters until a leak happens, and while it most likely won’t, planes aren’t meant to crash, but sometimes they do. And are you going to take that risk in China?

That’s why your VPN client needs to have the right protection.

PrivateVPN comes with IPv6 Leak Protection along with DNS Leak Protection mode which will prevent any IP leaks that could happen and would expose you. Does your VPN client have a Kill Switch feature so that if a VPN stops working, so will your internet? It shouldn’t if you are using the right service, but once again, you are going to be in China. And what about Application Guard which will terminate certain apps in an event of your VPN stopping from working?

All of these, these are features for extra protection in case something that shouldn’t happen happens, as when you want to access Google in China in 2019, or anything else when using a VPN, you should be protected, especially if you are a Chinese citizen.

What If You Want to Access More Than Google in China in 2019?

PrivateVPN is the best VPN service for Netflix supporting the most Netflix regions out there. If you are looking to watch Netflix in China, and not just American Netflix, PrivateVPN will be the best choice.

If you are looking to use DAZN, Hulu, or Amazon Prime, that’s also supported with PrivateVPN being one of the only services that support DAZN.

In China, you need full safety, Stealth VPN, and if you want to access more than Google, the right servers, and while PrivateVPN doesn’t provide the most servers on the planet, it providers servers that work with services that you want to watch. Merely connecting to an American server is not enough to watch Netflix.

Written by Michael Smolski.