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What is a No Log VPN?

Whenever you make a connection between any two servers, such as visiting a website, a log is created. There is no way to get around a log being created because this is how the online world functions.

Anyone can use log files, from a policeman or government agent to a cybercriminal, to find out everything there is to know about you. This is precisely how information about you is gathered via your ISP.

That creates a problem. An unsolvable problem, right?

With PrivateVPN, we provide a no log VPN that doesn’t maintain logs on your Internet activity or keep anything that could be used to identify you or your browsing activity. We apply the same principles to both connection logs and activity logs.

By using a VPN without logging, nobody can find out what you were doing, what you were watching, or who you were talking to. It is the essence of 100% privacy and anonymity in the online world. We can do this because we operate under Swedish privacy laws, which explicitly prohibit data logging.

Unfortunately, not all VPN providers offer the same promises or guarantees. Many people happily browsing with popular VPNs still have logs on their activity, which could theoretically be accessed by the VPN provider and any third party.

Our VPN is so powerful that even we don’t know anything about you or your online activities. As the threats to your privacy grow and increasingly draconian laws are passed around the world under the guise of security, a no log VPN is now the gold standard and the minimum standard for providing true privacy protection.

VPN no logs are solutions that maintain your anonymity and allow you to unlock your fundamental human right to privacy.

Why Do You Need a No Log VPN?

No matter how much of a law-abiding citizen you are, you have a right to protect your data and your information. A comprehensive no logs VPN solution stops snoopers in their tracks.

Your existing VPN may not be providing the security you expect. Your devices could reveal more than you would like, even when using your private Internet connection. You are defending your right to privacy by using a no-log VPN.

Maintain 100% Anonymity – No logs mean no information on you. Make sure nobody knows what you are doing, whether talking to your bank or streaming a movie.

Stop Attacks – Spying is not the only threat caused by these logs. Cybercriminals are increasingly using this information to steal your identity and sell your information.

Beat Down Censorship – Create a truly free environment online again by negating government censorship blocks. A no logging VPN leaves no trace when you have visited a banned website.

Tackle Geo-Restrictions – Geo-restricted content only works because of your IP address and the logs created when trying to access a particular piece of content. By leaving no footprints, you can circumvent all geo-restrictions.

Prevent Throttling – ISPs analyze your traffic to trigger throttling, where your connection and download speeds slow to a crawl. The best no log VPN prevents ISPs from analyzing both your traffic and the type of traffic.

Understanding the value of a VPN with no logs will help you to see why it is such an essential tool for reclaiming your privacy and freedom. Our no log VPN is designed to provide you with the best possible browsing experience without slowing you down.

Protect Your Data From Internet Service Providers

Your ISP is not your friend. Due to new laws, ISPs must cooperate with government or law enforcement agencies that want to find out about your Internet activity. To make things worse, your ISP is not required to inform you if they pass on your data.
ISPs are not the only people who may be interested in your data. Marketers commonly use data they come across online to learn more about you, whether free or purchased.

Finally, you have the cybercriminals. Hackers are looking to steal your data via both public and private WiFi networks. Experienced criminals can find out everything there is to know about you, including your name, address, job, payment information, and even your beloved pet’s name. It may sound scary, and that’s because it is.

We use the same encryption level as militaries around the world. Logs are a fact of using the Internet, but they don’t have to reveal anything about you. At PrivateVPN, we protect your information by removing and refusing to cooperate with third parties with no legal right to your information. We don’t know anything about our users and want to keep it that way. Unleash the power of the world’s most powerful no log VPN and create an unshakeable defense around your data.

How Does a No Log VPN Work?

Whenever you access the Internet without a VPN, you are connecting through your ISP which redirects you to the content you’ve requested. This Internet usage is entirely visible to your ISP’s servers in real time.
Connect with PrivateVPN, and you connect to our servers with an encrypted connection known as a VPN tunnel. We use the highest grade of encryption available, 2048-bit encryption with AES-256. All transmissions are encrypted, so only you and the PrivateVPN server can view them.
We also use IP cloaking to hide your geographical location. Your IP address is replaced with one of ours and this address changes every time you connect via your no log VPN.

These are how conventional VPNs also work. PrivateVPN, on the other hand, goes the extra mile to protect your data. We never store your data or information on our servers because we have no interest in your activity. We respect the right to privacy so all logs are deleted.

Due to our location in Sweden, we can also take advantage of some of the strongest privacy laws in the world. Unlike other countries, we have no legal obligation to save or share data logs with anyone, including foreign governments and law enforcement agencies.

Other VPNs have the fatal flaw of maintaining logs, which means anyone can demand information on their users. A true no log VPN contains nothing.
Your PrivateVPN no log VPN is waiting. Get the strongest protection whether you are in the U.S., Europe, or anywhere.

Get PrivateVPN Today

We are the only solution that can guarantee you the 100% privacy you deserve. Our team is dedicated to providing the world’s leading VPN solution for online privacy and data security.
PrivateVPN boasts more than 44,000 users and a proud record of never having experienced a data breach since we started in 2009.
Every purchase comes with a money-back guarantee. If you’re unsatisfied with the quality of your VPN, don’t hesitate to get in touch for a full refund. No questions asked. Unleash the power of PrivateVPN and reclaim your online freedom and right to privacy now.

Frequently Asked Questions

Does every VPN have no log policies?

No, not all VPNs will have a no log policy attached. Most VPN providers offer conventional VPNs that pay little attention to the retention of logs. VPNs are designed to mask your IP address to provide a basic level of protection. With more and more countries cracking down on online privacy, no log solutions are crucial for leaving no trace.

Are there free no log VPNs?

Some of these no log solutions exist but they come with far fewer features and protections. Many of these VPNs are based in jurisdictions where they’re required to maintain logs on your activity.

Just because someone says they offer a free, no log option for VPNs doesn’t mean to say that’s genuinely the case.

What information is not logged by PrivateVPN?

We log absolutely nothing, and our team has no access or authorization to your activity. We don’t follow which sites you visit, the files you download, who you speak to, or track any behavioral metrics either.

Why is PrivateVPN’s no log VPN the best?

Our VPN company is based in Sweden which has the strongest privacy laws on the planet. We have an environment that prohibits data logging which allows us to cleanse all of our logs without breaching the law.

We can also offer connections to 63 of the most popular countries, including North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australasia, and Africa. We cover the whole world and thus give everyone the right to privacy.

We are under no obligation to cooperate with any foreign bodies, and nor would we. Our VPN is easy-to-install, doesn’t limit your download speeds, and doesn’t impede your safe browsing experience.

Is a no log VPN safe to use?

You can use a no log VPN on any device with complete peace of mind. Browsing without a VPN is the most dangerous course of action you can take for your data and privacy. Most Internet users are completely unaware that they’re being tracked right now.

VPNs that don’t contain logs are simple applications that you can download and connect to more than 63 countries in seconds.