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Is Disney Plus Coming to the UK and Is It Worth It

Heard of Disney Plus and got excited? So did we until we heard that it’s not coming to any parts of Europe at launch. Is Disney Plus coming to the UK at all though? In this article, we’ll get into why Disney isn’t launching outside of the US right away along why whether Disney Plus is worth it and how to make it work in the UK before it’s available in the UK.

The Short Answer to Is “Disney Plus Coming to the UK?”

It is. Just not in 2019. It might come out in the UK in 2020 although 2021 is a very realistic scenario.

Now let’s explain in more detail.

The More Detailed Answer to Is “Disney Plus Coming to the UK?”

Launching a platform takes a lot of resources whether that’s customer service, servers, or advertising. No major streaming platform launched everywhere in one go. Whether that’s Netflix or DAZN. Launching in one market and focusing on growing their first is a much better strategy than trying to do everything at once. And that that from WOW AIR, the airline that tried doing too much at once and collapsed early this year.

Some platforms like Hulu (although we made guides about how to make Hulu work in the UK) never launched in the UK so perhaps while searching for “is Disney Plus coming to the UK” you were also suspecting that it won’t come at all. However, it is.

We know that because Disney is one of the most known brands around the world with reach all over the planet and Disney knows that people will sign up if they get a chance. Disney also knows the tremendous value of streaming. And while one might say that Amazon is also a big company and Amazon Prime isn’t available fully everywhere, Amazon doesn’t own most of the content it streams. Disney does. And that’s also one of the reasons as to why Disney Plus will be worth it.

When Disney Plus launches in the UK which we suspect will be either the second or third location that Disney Plus will launch in, it won’t have any issues with streaming of content because it owns companies like Marvel, National Geographic, 20th Century Fox, Fox, and Lucasfilm. And if nobody can prevent you from streaming content due to right issues, it makes expansion into other countries tremendously easy. Not to mention that Disney itself holds a vast library of content.

Will Disney Plus Be Worth It When It Comes to the UK

We already mentioned that Disney isn’t going to have any issues with streaming the content that will be available in the US, in the UK, due to the fact it owns all of the content it will stream rather than just paying for the ability to stream it.

But is Disney Plus worth it? Or should you stick to Netflix?

Avengers: Endgame is going to be a Disney Plus exclusive coming to the platform in December of 2019. Almost everyone loves Marvel, and if you aren’t going to see Endgame in cinemas, your only option will be Disney Plus. And this is going to be the case with all other movies that are going to be released by Disney owned companies, including Avatar 2, Avatar 3, Avatar 4, and Avatar 5 with Avatar 2 currently being in the works.

Netflix offers some great movies but the movies it has rights to or creates rarely compete with the works of Marvel or 20th Century Fox as far as quality. Not to mention that productions such as Simpsons and Family Guy are owned by Fox.

Disney is also working on original series with a spin-off Star Wars series in the process.

Oh, and did we mention that all of this is coming at $6.99 which most likely will be £6.99 in the UK when Disney plus launches in the UK officially which is far more affordable than Netflix?

We’ll put it this way, if Disney Plus consisted only of Disney content, it would be hard to recommend it. But because Disney also owns 20th Century Fox that created many incredible movies such as the mentioned Avatar, Marvel, Fox, and National Geographic, Disney has a massive variety of content to offer to you. At a very high level of quality, and perhaps the big selling point of all of this is that you are familiar with most of the content that will come to the platform.

You asked is Disney Plus coming to the UK and to that we answered that not yet, however, there is a way to make Disney Plus work in the UK or anywhere else for that matter.

How to Make Disney Plus Work in the UK Before Disney Plus Comes to the UK

It’s a relatively simple process.

To watch Disney Plus in the UK, you need to make Disney think that you are in the US.

And you do that by using a VPN.

VPN services protect your privacy on the internet by encrypting what you are doing but more importantly in your case, allow you to change your location without moving. In this instance to be in the US.

The key to making Disney Plus work is to get the right VPN though. Just like with DAZN and Hulu, it’s not enough to just use a VPN because services like Disney are aware of VPN services and prevent them from working. When Disney Plus is out in the US, you will be able to watch Disney Plus in the UK by connecting to the right PrivateVPN server.

With PrivateVPN, you will also be able to use DAZN, Hulu, and the most Netflix regions possible, with guides around all of them on our blog.

Written by Michael Smolski.