Special Deal: 12 Months + 24 Month extra! ALL PrivateVPN plans are protected by a 100% money-back guarantee. Simply sign up in 3 easy steps and test out your VPN for 30 days risk-free!
Your IP Address:
You are not protected (read more)


Step 1

Login to website client page: https://privatevpn.com/account/login

Step 2

Proceed to Control Panel: https://privatevpn.com/control-panel

Step 3

Select your preferred VPN location.

Step 4

for this guide, we will select a Sweden-based server. Click Generate Config.

Step 5

Your WireGuard login will be generated below. Click the download button.

Step 6

Proceed to Terminal.

Step 7

In the Terminal, enter this line: sudo apt install wireguard

Step 8

Enter Y to Proceed.

Step 9

To connect, enter: sudo wg-quick up [path of the configuration file]

Connection Success!