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Browser Security issue may Allow Real IP Leak

VPN users are facing a massive security flaw as websites can easily see their home IP addresses through WebRTC. The vulnerability is limited to supporting browsers such as Firefox and Chrome, and appears to affect Windows users only. Luckily the security hole is relatively easy to fix. With a few lines of code websites can make requests to STU..

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HTTP Proxy

From now on we support HTTP Proxy. HTTP Proxy can be used in web browsers and application, such as torrent clients. You'll find the Proxy server list here: Proxy List

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Server in France down

Our provider in France has out age. We're wait for the first response from our provider and we'll update any status here! Status: 22.00 Email has been sent to our provider about network down. 2014-11-27 13:23 Broken disk in server. New disk will arrive within 1 - 2 days to Data center. 2014-11-30 19:12 Server are up and running with ..

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Connection issues

Right now, our server provider for Windows PrivateVPN client API server has issues. This cause that our client can't reach our servers for API requests. This only affect our PrivateVPN Windows client. Error message you'll receive: "Could not retrieve user account information" Clarification: This o..

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New server in Russia

Our server in Russia has been replaced with a new server and a new internet provider due to poor speed. Speed test on the new server: http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/3787412392

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Connection issues

Right now, our server provider for Windows PrivateVPN client API server has issues. This cause that our client can't reach our servers for API requests. This only affect our PrivateVPN Windows client. Error message you'll receive: "Could not retrieve user account information" Status: 07:20Problem with one of our SAN 07:40..

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Service down in Sweden - Bromma

Service down in Sweden - Bromma due to fiber cut. Updates: 06:10 Kaia Global Networks' Network Management Center got alarmed by a loss of connectivity towards our core equipment in Telecity, Stockholm. We are already working with our 3rd party supplier for this particular route. We will issue another update as soon as we do know, what exactl..

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VPN not working

Right now the VPN service are down. We're working on it. *Update* 10:00 Service back to normal. We're sorry for the inconvenience. Email support@privatvpn.se to get one extra day.

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