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Russia's VPN Ban - What Is It and What Will Happen

China has been censoring a significant portion of the internet in the recent years. Russia has now taken a step in that direction with a law passed by the current president of Russia, Vladimir Putin. This law was put into force on the 1st of November and is set to regulate what can be seen or not seen by users in Russia. As a Swedish compa..

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How to Get a VPN on Android and Why?

A VPN is like what a jailbreak is to an iPhone. It sets you free. It sets you free from any restrictions that you might encounter. But a VPN sets you free when it comes to the internet. But if you were searching for how to get a VPN on Android then you probably already know that. If you don't then here's what you need to know. VPN stands for Virtua..

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VPN for Windows - How and Why to Install

Why would you install something if you don’t need it, right? That’s the thing though. Most people don’t know what VPN stands for, and why you should have such a thing, or rather why you need it. VPN stands for Virtual Private Network. When you use it, you are connected to a virtual network, and that has many benefits that you need...

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