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How to Stay Secure on Public Computers in 2018

You don’t know what’s on it. That’s the biggest problem when it comes to public computers. It’s hard to stay secure on public computers if you don’t know what kind of hidden software is on them. If you meet somebody, you can generally tell what they are like. You can feel their vibes. With a computer, you don’t know. Somebody could be l..

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How to Watch American Netflix in the UK in 2018

Yes, we know you are guilty of it. You are thinking about it right now. you want to watch American Netflix in the UK, well we’ll show you how anybody can watch American Netflix regardless of where they are in 2018. It’s getting harder and harder to do so but Netflix how big loophole. This will totally not work in China. But then again, nob..

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How to Keep Your Internet History Private When in Somebody's Home

Do you want to keep your history private when in somebody's home? Perhaps you are doing a home exchange on GuestToGuest. You might stay in an Airbnb. Maybe you are simply visiting a friend. It doesn’t have to be any of these reasons. Your housemates could be the reason. But regardless of the situation, your internet history could be at risk, and ..

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China Is Banning VPN Services - 1 Billion People Without Freedom

The entire world went crazy about net neutrality yet that’s not a big problem compared to what China is doing as China is banning VPN services. That’s huge. Sure, net neutrality might result in you having a slower connection to a certain website. It might also result in you having to pay to use a certain website. Unless you use a VPN service of..

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How to Install the Alluc Addon on Kodi - 2018 - the Simplest Way

So you want to install the Alluc addon on Kodi? Great. It’s a link-sharing-website that provides links to almost every type of video available on the internet. We are talking 80-million videos. It’s like a search engine but for videos. Kodi, on the other hand, is one of the most popular open-source media players. It’s also nearly impossible t..

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How to Stay Secure When Using Wi-Fi at Airports

How to stay secure when using Wi-Fi at airports? Well, first you actually need to have Wi-Fi to use. Big airports provide it. Small, lack it. And if it gets too crowded, it often stops working. You could use your data from your phone, but that doesn’t work too great at airports either. But let’s assume that you are lucky enough to have Wi-Fi at..

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Can You Use Putlocker to Watch Movies Legally and Safely?

Putlocker is known for providing just about every movie and TV show on the planet. But is it legal to use Putlocker to watch movies legally since it’s available for free? Especially since millions of people do it daily? What’s the difference between Putlocker and the likes of Netflix or Hulu? On Netflix, you pay a monthly fee. On Hulu, yo..

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Why You Will Need to Use a VPN in 2018

Russia. China. This entire planet. THings are changing. Some countries are removing freedom on the internet. Others are adding more in theory but actually reducing it. The US for instance. One thing is for sure. Things on the internet are changing, and there’s more than one reason on why you need to use a VPN in 2018. To Access Content at th..

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