Promotion spéciale : 12 mois + 24 mois offert Les offres PrivateVPN sont parfaitement sans risque grâce à une période de 30 jours satisfait ou remboursé à 100%. Souscrivez simplement à l'une des offres en trois étapes très simples et commencez votre période de 30 jours d'essai sans engagement !
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OpenVPN (old version)

Step 1

Login to your DD-WRT control panel through the web browser, for example

Step 2

Click on Setup and then on Basic Setup.

Step 3

Under the Network Address Server Settings (DHCP), Change Static DNS 1 and 2 to and
Then click Save and Apply Settings.

Step 4

Click on Administration and then Commands.
Download PrivateVPN DD-WRT OpenVPN script paste all text into the Command shell field and edit following lines:
USERNAME="Enter your user name for PrivateVPN"
PASSWORD="Enter your password for PrivateVPN"
remote Change only the server address and not the port number. For example:, which will be: remote 1194
You'll find the server list here: Server list

When you've edited USERNAME, PASSWORD and server, click on Save Startup.

Step 5

Click on Management and scroll to the bottom of the page and click Reboot Router.

Step 6

Wait some minutes for the router to reboot and the VPN connection to establish.