Specialerbjudande: 12 Månader + 24 Månad extra! ALLA PrivateVPN-abonnemang skyddas av en 100% pengarna-tillbaka-garanti. Registrera dig i tre enkla steg och testa ditt VPN utan förpliktelser i 30 dagar!
Din IP-adress:
Du skyddas inte (läs mer)

Cisco IPSec

Step 1

Click the Apple Logo and then select System Settings…

Step 2

Proceed to Network and then click the three-dot button > Add VPN Configuration > Cisco IPSec…

Step 3

Enter the following settings:

Display name: (any name would do)

Server Address: se-sto.pvdata.host

*you'll find the server list here.

Account Name: (your PrivateVPN registered email address)

Password: (your password)

Type: Shared secret

Shared secret: privatvpn

*without the 'e'.

Group name: (leave it blank)

Click Create button.

Step 4

Click on VPN.

Step 5

Click toggle button to connect.

Connection success!